
Studio Wall XIV

Peaks no.23

Thur. November 15, 2007

It began pouring, hailing almost, a half hour into starting this painting. i tried to work thru it, but heta tried crawling under my paintbox and legs for refuge. i decided i would stop and get in my car and try and finish at home. A first.

Finishing this inside, I tried to hold onto the memory of the rain and wind and rain. As it is the essence of being on the spot, translating that essence into the paint. The rocks are less developed as the layers of their color were not as vivid in my memory as the whiteness of the waves and foam washing over them closer to shore. it was hard to capture the rocks being overtaken by this whiteness as it had been the most wonderful part of the image i was looking at as the rain drenched us. i may have to go back into the rocks and add more depth and color.


Peak no.22

Wed Nov. 14, 2007

Unsure of the knife marks to the left of the rocks. Composition is more pleasing than the last couple of paintings.

Studio Wall Installment XIII

Peaks no.21

Mon Nov. 12, 2007

Resembles a blob that rocks are trying to emerge from at a birds-eye perspective. Colors are possibly pleasing to those who like fall colors. Colors abnormal in comparison to this entire body of work on Peaks.


Studio Wall Installment XII

Peaks no.20

Wednesday Nov 7, 2007

The darkest darks give this piece the shape, direction and depth it lacks otherwise.


Studio Wall Installment XI

Peaks no.19

Monday Nov. 5, 2007

Have been trying to capture an earlier light which shines brightly before noon. It shimmers on the water and between rocks and then dies into a calm blue color later in the day.

Studio Wall Installment X

Peaks no. 18

Monday Oct.29, 2007